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fredag den 25. april 2008

Madagascar Hissing Cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa)

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches are large, wingless, live-bearing cockroaches that may be the best starter cockroach species. They're relatively common, inexpensive, and very interesting additions to any collection, as well as great food items for reptiles, large tarantulas, and large centipedes. Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches have a tough exoskeleton for protection, for they do not possess wings like many other cockroach species. They can also produce a loud hissing sound to scare away predators. Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches generally live 2 to 3 years as adults, but some adults can live for up to 5 years. They can be raised in large numbers in a matter of months, yet are not a pest species. Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches have been used as creepy effects in movies for many years as well. The Madagascar Hissing Cockroach makes an amazing, exotic, and easy-to-care for insect pet!

Range Moist forests of Madagascar.
Type Terrestrial.
Diet Babies and adults eat romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, apples, carrots, and other fruits and vegetables.
Full Grown Size 1.5 to 3 inches.
Growth Fast speed.
Temperature 75 to 90° F.
Humidity 75 to 80%.
Temperament Docile and calm.
Housing Babies can live in a clear plastic container with air holes. Adults can live in a 2.5 to 15-gallon tank, depending on the number of cockroaches. Cockroaches can live communally. Floor space is more important than height.
Substrate 1 to 2 inches of peat moss, or potting soil.
Decor Cork bark, live plants, driftwood, etc. make good hiding places.
Other Names Madagascar Giant Hissing Cockroach.

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