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onsdag den 23. april 2008

Cobalt Blue Tarantula (Haplopelma lividum)

The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is one of the more beautiful, yet one of the more aggressive species of tarantula. The Cobalt Blue Tarantula looks almost black at a glance, but upon closer inspection, with certain lighting, this species shows a bright blue overall color! These tarantulas are very popular, but aren't good for beginners. Cobalt Blue Tarantulas are extremely aggressive and fast. Even the spiderlings of this species have been known to show aggression! The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is uncommon in the wild, but is becoming more and more familiar in captivity. These tarantulas spin large webs even though they do spend most of their time in their burrow if given the opportunity. The Cobalt Blue Tarantula is an amazing tarantula for anybody who dares to keep it!
Range Tropical forests of Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.
Type Burrowing.
Diet Spiderlings eat pinhead crickets, and other small insects. Adults eat crickets, and other large insects.
Full Grown Size 4 to 5 inches.
Growth Fast speed.
Temperature 80 to 90° F.
Humidity 78 to 82%. All tarantulas that have at least a 3" legspan may drink from a shallow, wide water dish.
Temperament Aggressive and nervous.
Housing Spiderlings can live in a clear plastic deli-container with air holes. Adults can live in a 10-gallon tank. Floor space is as important as height.
Substrate 5 to 6 inches of peat moss, or potting soil.
Decor No decorations are really needed. Moss can be added for floor cover, but leave some areas open for burrowing in the substrate.
Other Names N/A.

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